Tuesday 28 February 2012

Istanbul, Turkey

                 Istanbul was the most interesting and different city I have ever been to. Visiting mosques where I had to take off my shoes and cover my head was a totally new experience for me. During multiple times a day, prayers were said over the intercoms at all of the mosques around the city. At the Grand Bazaar, which has over 1,200 shops, you could buy almost anything you needed. There was a lot of bargaining  involved in the purchases at the Grand Bazaar. Inside the Hagia Sofia, everything was so intricate. It has been both a mosque and a cathedral in history, so there are many hints of both religions within the decor of the Hagia Sofia. 
                 My turkish bath experience was not exactly what I had in mind, but the idea of sitting in something so old was fascinating. They gave me a sand paper scrub down, a foaming bath, and then had me sit in a sauna. Also, the Basilica Cistern was very cool! It was underground and built during the Roman Empire and was a way to bring water into the center of the city. There were over 300 columns in the Cistern. Besides all of the tourists attractions, I met friends from all over including a group of girls studying in Athens from America, a group from Croatia, and a group from Japan. Overall, the trip was unforgettable!
Hagia Sofia 

Men washing their feet outside of the Blue Mosque

in the courtyard of the blue mosque

inside the blue mosque

The Blue Mosque

Inside the Hagia Sofia

Inside the Hagia Sofia

Grand Bazaar


Basilica Cistern

Evil Eye of Istanbul

Medusa Column inside the Basilica Cistern

Topkapi Palace 

Inside Turkish bath built in 1475

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