Monday 30 January 2012

Romeing Around

 My weeks have been filled with excitement and lots of food! Exploring Rome on a Wednesday night is something I can't wrap my mind around. I had gelato while sitting in front of the Pantheon and couldn't help but think "what am I doing here!" This weekend I stay in Rome to explore and get my school like in order, but the traveling will begin soon! Enjoy!
The Pantheon!

My favorite view of the city, the Vatican and River Tiber

This amazing store called Brandy Mehville! It is basically a store filled with clothes that
Europeans think Americans wear! It's amazing!  

Spanish Steps

Villa Borghese

Monday 23 January 2012

Updating the Bucket List

As I have been here for a few weeks now, I can cross some things off the following on my bucket list:
1. Drink wine in Italy
2. Throw a coin in the Trevi Fountain
3. Go to Tivoli Gardens
4. Purchased Italian Leather
5. Got lost in Rome

Sorrento, Italy

In Sorrento, we went to a lemon farm that makes all their own limoncello, salami, wine, cheese, etc. 

The cellar

The main square in Sorrento

Deep Valley of the Mills (thank you Pinterest!)

Almafi Coast!

Paestum, Italy

These Graeco-Roman ruins were founded at the end of the 7th century B.C. The city became part of the Roman Empire after Hannibal invaded the city. 

part of the gymnasium

2nd Temple of Hera

Temple of Hera

Salerno, Italy

View from the hotel

Buffalo Mozzarella Farm!

Yum! These works work eleven hour shifts straight from 3am to 2pm!

Royal Palace of Caserta

The Royal Palace of Caserta, also known as the Reggia, was built 1752 for Charles the VII of Naples, however he gave it to his son Ferdinand IV of Naples. The palace, that has about 1,200 rooms was always intended for the Bourbon Family. 

Royal Family's Chapel (some of the columns in this chapel are damaged from a
battle between Americans and Germans during World War II)


The largest and most intricate Nativity scene I have ever seen!

Monday 16 January 2012


Here are some pictures from the town of Tivoli and the Villa D'Este which has the Tivoli Gardens in them! The palace has over 50 fountains!! The town itself is very small but cute and is on top of a hill about an hour from Rome! It was a little colder up there but very pleasant! Enjoy the photos!

Saturday 14 January 2012

First days in Rome! I have been sightseeing around the Roman Forum, the Colosseum, and the Trevi Fountain! Campus is a little farther from the city of Rome than I thought. In addition to the distance, the taxis are on strike right now so that makes getting home difficult too! The people are friendly and very helpful with the limited Italian that I speak. The weather is about mid 50s during the day and around 40 at night but hopefully will warm up soon! 


After a very long day of traveling, I am sitting in the JFRC IC with my bunk bed made, all unpacked, and ready to go to bed! It’s very interesting being on an American style campus but yet in the Monte Mario neighborhood of Rome. It didn’t really hit me that I was living in Rome until we went to find gelato tonight. A girl who has already been here a semester showed us the neighborhood. When it came time to order the gelato, living in Rome became very real! However, the nutella flavored gelato was amazing! Right now I’m hoping to catch up on sleep before the days start to go fast and before school starts! 

The Ultimate European Bucket List!

I’m about 14 days from my departure and I’m thinking about the adventures to come and decided to make a bucket list!
1. Drink wine in Italy
2. Throw a coin in the Trevi Fountain
3. Go to Tivoli Gardens (yes, from the Lizzie McGuire Movie)
4. Go to Ireland on St. Patrick’s Day 
5. Purchase Italian leather 
6. Go to countries of heritage (Hungary & Ireland)
7. Visit Sistine Chapel
8. Visit Versailles
9. Ride a camel
10. Kiss the Blarney Stone
11. See the Neuschwanstein Castle in Germany
12. Take a pasta making class
13. Ride a gondola in Venice
14. Get lost in Rome
15. Eat Gelato on Spanish Steps
16. Ride a vespa (maybe…)
17. Eat an authentic Belgian waffle
18. Have crepes with view of the Eiffel Tower
19. Eat authentic Swiss Chocolate
20. Go to the Matterhorn in Switzerland
21. Try and send a postcard from every place I go
22. Go to Greece
23. Go lay on a beach in the Mediterranean Sea
24. Try exotic foods
25. Touch the Berlin Wall 
… subject to change over the course of the trip